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"Calories from Fat"

Complete Application

Here is the complete application, suitable for copying to an editor, saving to a file, and running.

import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
public class PercentFat extends JFrame implements ActionListener
  JLabel heading   = new JLabel("Percent of Calories from Fat");
  JLabel fatLabel  = new JLabel("Enter grams of fat:   ");
  JLabel calLabel  = new JLabel("Enter total calories: ");
  JLabel perLabel  = new JLabel("Percent calories from fat: ");
  JTextField inFat  = new JTextField( 7 );
  JTextField inCal  = new JTextField( 7 );
  JTextField outPer = new JTextField( 7 );
  JButton    doit   = new JButton("Do It!");
  double calories ;  // input: total calories per serving
  double fatGrams ;  // input: grams of fat per serving
  double percent;   // result: percent of calories from fat
  public PercentFat()   
    setTitle( "Calories from Fat" );
    setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
    add( heading );  
    add( fatLabel );  
    add( inFat );    
    add( calLabel );  
    add( inCal );    
    add( perLabel );   
    add( outPer );   
    outPer.setEditable( false );    
    add( doit );     
    doit.addActionListener( this );
    setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );   
  // The application
  public void calcPercent( )  
    percent = ((fatGrams * 9) / calories) * 100 ;
  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt)  
    String userIn ;
    userIn    = inFat.getText()  ;
    fatGrams  = Double.parseDouble( userIn ) ;
    userIn    = inCal.getText()  ;
    calories  = Double.parseDouble( userIn ) ;
    calcPercent() ;
    // Convert percent to a nice string and write it to the output field
    outPer.setText( new DecimalFormat("#0.0##").format( percent ) );
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    PercentFat fatApp  = new PercentFat() ;
    fatApp.setSize( 280, 200 );     
    fatApp.setVisible( true );         

The next to final line of the listener uses DecimalFormat to make the output look better. Look at Chapter 24B if you want to review this.


If the user enters bogus data into the text fields, does this program crash?